
Pinterest findings...

Okay, I know it's been a couple of days, and I have been lazy buttttt I did do a little Pinterest and Instagram stalking this morning and I came across a couple outfits that I absolutely fell in love with. And since Blake and Aubrey are gone to a doctors visit, I'll have plenty of time to blog in quietness. 

Fist things first, I'm obsessed with these camo skinny jeans with the zipper detail paired with these plum heels. I live in South Mississippi, so it's a little hard to wear something camo without looking like you're going hunting. But the color of these heels I'm in love with. I don't know if it's because I've been obsessing with this same lipstick color this fall/winter, but I adore it. It makes me feel so sophisticated. 

Another color I've been into this winter is "winter white". I love it, it's very bohemian and these two looks are adorable. I've also just purchased my first black big floppy hat that I could seriously wear anywhere. I like how I can pretty much wear it year round. Another thing I like are the boots in the first picture. I really like the shorter boots with a flowy dress look. I've tried it recently, but until I get some sun on these legs, I won't be doing it again for a while. 

And then I came across this picture of Cara Loren from caraloren.com on my Pinterest, and think I'm in love with everything about this outfit. (Especially the hat) The maxi skirt is a must. I seriously wear one every other day. And I adore the chambray shirt with it. It feels summer-y, but still won't allow you to freeze to death, which is a plus since this Mississippi weather has been absolutely crazy lately. 

Honestly, the main reason I just love her is because she can make the most simplist of outfits look so cute and put together. I don't wear a lot of color, but when I do it's because I'm mocking an outfit she's put together. 

Last, but not least -- KIMONOS. OMG OMG OMG I'm obsessed with these things. I've recently bought one and I swear Blake has to make me not wear it everyday. I wear it twentyfour seven. Either with a maxi dress, skinny jeans or shorts, it makes me feel like Stevie Nicks and I love it. It's sorta like wearing a long cardigan, but without feeling like a jacket. I die. Sorry not sorry. XOXO Andrea 

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